Paper Publications
[1] 赵然杭. Research on Parameter Optimization of the Optimal Schedule Model of Water Resources for the Jiaod.... Water, 15, 2023.
[2] 赵然杭. 基于时间序列分解的降雨数据挖掘与预测. 中国农村水利水电, 1-11, 2021.
[3] 赵然杭. 基于Mike11的引黄济青工程输水效率确定. 水电能源学报, 39, 54-57, 2021.
[4] 王兴菊. 基于可变模糊集理论的跨流域调水工程水资源优化调度. 18, 85-92, 2020.
[5] 赵然杭. NAM降雨径流模型的参数全局敏感性分析. 《人民黄河》, 44, 40-45, 2022.
[6] 王兴菊. Analysis of ecohydrological characteristics and factors affecting the Zhalong riparian wetland. 371-378, 2007.
[7] wangxingju and zhaoranhang. 南水北调东线工程山东段突发事故风险评估. 南水北调与水利科技, 15, 180, 2017.
[8] zhaoranhang and wangxingju. Water Environmental Evaluation Based on Variable Fuzzy Set Theory. 《Journal of Computational Information Systems》, 7, 377, 2011.
[9] wangxingju. 基于GIS指数模型的山洪灾害防治区划方法研究. 水电能源科学, 29, 54, 2011.
[10] wangxingju and zhaoranhang. 水库多目标优化调度理论及其应用研究. 《水利学报》, 2003.
[11] Zhang longyun , caoshengle and wangxingju. 济南市水资源价值综合评价与水价估算. 水电能源科学, 2007.
[12] huyan , caoshengle , zhaoranhang and wangxingju. 水资源价值模糊评判模型. 山东大学学报(工学版), 2003.
[13] wangxingju. 湿地水文研究进展综述. 水文, 26, 1, 2006.
[14] zhaoranhang and wangxingju. 某工程砼结构事故的思考. 《混凝土》, 50, 2002.
[15] XWFZR , wangxingju and 校外负责人. 河流水量组成分析与计算方法研究. 山东大学学报(工学版), 2006.
[16] wangxingju. Research on optimal operation of multipurpose reservoirs: theory and application. computer science &education, 2009.
[17] wangxingju. Analysis of Eco-hydrological Characteristics and Factors Affectingof Zhalong Riparian Wetland. IAHS Publication, 2007.
[18] wangxingju and zhaoranhang. Flood Control Operations Based on the Theory of Variable Fuzzy Sets.. Water resources management, 25, 777, 2011.
[19] wangxingju. Study on fuzzy optimization theory, model and its application in flood control operations. FSKD, 2, 936, 2010.
[20] wangxingju. Fuzzy Variable Assessment of Urban Flood Control System Safety in Jinan. Advanced Materials research, 159, 279, 2010.